New year intentions

I’m not sure about you, but I’m feeling bombarded with all the resolutions I should set for 2023. From walking through the aisles at Target with all the health and wellness supplies to buy to scrolling through social media, the attention seems to be on resolution. I understand the pull, the longing to be, grow, and change. The first thing I want to tell you is that YOU ARE ENOUGH, just as you are! Your being is enough, and your value isn’t derived from what you do. The second thing to discuss is thinking about intention. To me, there’s a big difference between intention and resolution. Resolution seems hard and also implies some absolute. I think about some of the most common resolutions and how they can provide a subtle implication of less than. I’d like to introduce the idea of setting an intention for 2023. Maybe it’s something you want more of in your life, maybe something you need to let go. Maybe it’s just a word, or maybe it’s a feeling. This practice of intention setting for me allows some wiggle room, and feels more powerful in working toward a change I want to see. Last year my intention was “low expectations” (see my other blog about expectations for more on that). This year’s intention is rest. I’ve made a commitment to myself to find an hour daily for rest. Sometimes rest means taking an actual nap, sometimes listening to music, sometimes daydreaming, sometimes writing, sometimes meditating, but it’s always something just for me to slow down and pause. It’s been hard so far, with the omnipresent to do list, commitments to work, and commitments to family. But I’ve realized no one (except me) is going to allow this dreamspace - time to rest. This year’s intention was inspired by the work of Tricia Hersey and The Nap Ministry. Rest is resistance! In reading Hersey’s book, I started to unpack my relationship with rest in the face of capitalism and white supremacy. Hersey talks about rest not being a means to greater productivity, but rest as a construct that allows us to resist the forces placed upon us. My intention is practiced daily, and I know that as the year goes on I’ll find new challenges with my intention. What might an intention look like for you? What do you want to invite into your life? What do you want to release? The power of intention and naming of what it is you want/need is a powerful practice in and of itself. Slowing down long enough to listen to your voice is enough! You might feel called to place an intention for your year. You can increase the power of your intention by telling someone else! You’ll have an “account-abilibuddy” who can support you in the practice of intention. You can tell us! E-mail or with your intention, and we’ll check in with you! We are here for you, to support your intention and the pause. Happy Intention Setting!


We are all Connected


low expectations